Worship Service June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
We continue our sermon series on the book of Joshua by taking a look at Joshua 18. In a message titled “Resting in the Subdued Land”, Pastor Tim teaches on the importance of not complaining or being complacent when the promised land before us is subdued.
Order of Service:
Worship Intro
Welcome and Invocation
Worship – Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (Sung by Nathan Drake)
Worship – Come Thou Sinner
Blessed Assurance
Pastoral Prayer
Message Intro
Message Scripture – Joshua 18
Message Title – “Resting in the Subdued Land”
Worship Livestream May 3, 2020
May 3, 2020
In this sermon titled, “The Wisdom of God That Defeats the Lies of the World”, Pastor Tim continues his exposition of the book of Joshua and reveals how we should continually consult with God even in the most common things in order to defeat temptation and move forward in obedience.